There are several sections in this webpage:
(You can find links to these sections in the left column.) II) Free Christian Books In English and Spanish III) Comentario biblico en español ( |
You can download the entire book in the form of a PDF document by visiting the English or Spanish Version pages. If you do not own a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader, click on the icon to download a free copy. After downloading the file at a location on your hard drive, double click to install. |
The Last Four
World Powers |
Section I: |
English If you want the book "Daniel 7: The Last Four World
Powers" , just ask for it, and we will
send it to you free of charge. The address is available at the end of
this page. "The author has the ability to impart his knowledge and experiences in a short and concise manner that is easy to understand. To put it in his own words let me share with you what he once told me: 'I do not dissolve an aspirin in a barrel of water, so as to force whoever wants the benefits of the aspirin, to drink the whole barrel. I just give them the aspirin. That's why I write as brief as possible'." Rev. Artistic cover by: Adolfo Serralta. To contact the author: R. L. Serralta Nogués Phone: (305) 951-7435
Email: rlserralta@netzero.net
Section II: Free Books In English a) Book "The Last Four World Powers", b) Book "Rapture vs Ingathering" c) Book "Demonstrating that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah" d) Book "Is God's Law Obsolete?" e) Book "Is Holiness Attainable?" f) Book "Saved Always Saved...Doesn't Matter What You Do?" g) Book "Does the Soul Exist Or Are We Just Flesh?" h) Book "Hermeneutics as Taught in the Bible" |
Libros Gratis en Español a) Libro "Las Últimas 4 Potencias Mundiales" b) Libro "Rapto vs Arrebatamiento o Ficción vs Realidad" c) Libro "Demostración de que Jesucristo es el Mesías Esperado por los hebreos" d) Libro "Hermenéutica Como nos la Enseña la Biblia" e) Libro "La Predestinación: ¿Doctrina Cristiana o Herejía?" f) Libro "El Ruselismo no es una Religión Cristiana" g) Libro "Existe el Alma o Somos Sólo Carne" h) Libro "Deben los Cristianos Considerar Obsoleta la Ley de Dios para el Comportamiento Humano" i) Libro "La Santidad es Alcanzable, (sin la Cual Nadie Verá al Señor)" j) Libro "Salvo Siempre Salvo...¿No Importa lo que Hagas? k) Libro "La Trinidad Como la Enseña la Biblia"___________________________________________ Section III: C) Libro "Comentrio Biblico en español" |
Español Hay varias secciones en este Web Page: I) Notas Bíblicas II) Libros Cristianos Gratis III) Comentario Bíblico en español Si usted desea un ejemplar "Por alguna
razón el autor tiene la capacidad de trasmitir sus conocimientos y experiencias en
forma fácil y resumida.
Portada artística por: Adolfo Serralta. |
This site was created by: Adolfo Serralta |